Over three decades ago, on one hot summer afternoon at a camp in Lagos, Nigeria, a stranger from Wisconsin befriended a young African boy named Manny. This nine-year-old, like so many others in his community, had never known the comfort and security of owning a pair of shoes. But that day, everything changed for Manny—a new pair of shoes and message of hope changed the trajectory of his life.
In this inspiring book, you will read the dramatic story of how that one gift not only transformed Manny’s life, but how it became a catalyst for an organization that is giving hope and opportunity to millions of people in need around the world.

“My brother Manny Ohonme’s life and mission is living proof that miracles still exist!”
“An unforgettable journey of obedience that is changing millions of lives.”
“I am inspired by Manny’s cause and spirit providing armor for the soles of our feet but good food for the souls of our heart.”
“Manny, you showed me what it’s like to be a servant leader by washing the feet of the poor in my country through the outreach of Samaritan’s Feet. Thank you for blessing Burundi and the children of the world.”
“The Master taught servanthood by washing His disciples’ feet. Manny Ohonme now walks in His footsteps by putting shoes on the feet of millions.”
“Manny is an inspiration.He is a walking testimony and I fell in love with his story.”