Father.  Husband.  Philanthropist.  Motivational Speaker.  Author.  Leadership Trainer.


Welcome to my site. I’m so glad you’re here. Look around, enjoy the video clips, check out my book, and visit often! In recent years, I’ve witnessed an increase in the number of people who are passionate about connecting authentically to their purpose. They try to discover why they are here, not wanting to waste their talents and abilities to merely exist, but to uncover the secrets to living purposefully on a mission, exercising empathy, while nurturing their growth as an individual and living their life to help others as a servant leader. I hope to help ignite a passion within you to join others in creating a movement from I to WE. I believe we’ve been entrusted by a higher purpose to steward this world using our gifts and talents to do His will. In the very act of loving, giving, and serving, I believe we experience our power, purpose, and joy. I live in this passion. Though I’m as imperfect as the next person, I speak and write of this higher power who loves us unconditionally and longs to transform our lives from worthless to precious, hungry to satisfied, from merely existing to becoming world changers.

Thank you for visiting!

In His grace,



Manny is the Co-Founder, CEO, and President of Samaritan’s Feet, a 501(c)(3) humanitarian aid organization that serves and inspires hope in children by providing shoes as the foundation to a spiritual and healthy life resulting in the advancement of education and economic opportunities. The goal of Samaritan’s Feet is to create a world with zero shoeless children. Samaritan’s Feet and its partners have served more than 6.5 million people in 90 nations.

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